
Losing Religion and Finding Faith with Lecrae

We all go through seasons where we question what we believe. Many things can trigger these questions of faith and convictions. Some completely loose their belief structures. Others make a rediscovery into a deeper faith. All who go through this journey struggle with the pain, doubt, depression, and loss that is felt through the process.

People Over Projects with Michael Woodward

Recently I started to reassess what I believe. What I believe in business and my personal life. One revelation was that I believe in People over Projects. As a dreamer and idea maker it's easy to lose my way and forget why I chase those ideas and dreams. In business it's easy to get hyper focused on a client project and website I'm building and loose sight of who I'm building it for so that I can get the project wrapped and get paid.

The Music of Switchfoot with Jon Foreman

Creativity and passion are hard to define and often even harder to keep doing year after year. Yet Switchfoot not only was a part of the soundtrack of our youth they also continue to stay relevant in our ever changing world. 25 years later they are reshaping how they connect with fans during the global pandemic.

Faith and The NFL with Sam Acho

Many people would expect an NFL Player's passion to be fulfilled in football. Playing, watching, and talking about the game. But just like any other job, it's often not the driving factor for a player. But along the way, it's easy to forget who you are and what you stand for. Ultimately wearing a 'mask' and playing the part you think others expect from you.

How to Write a Netflix Movie with Lauren Swickard

Today's guest Lauren Swickard not only stars in a new Christmas Movie on Netflix, but she also created, wrote, and produced it. Her real-life husband and “General Hospital” star Josh Swickard stars opposite her in the movie. 'A California Christmas' is coming to Netflix on December 14th. The movie was also one of the first feature films to be produced during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Life of a Professional Women's Football Player with Adrienne Smith

When you think of women's sports you might think of soccer, figure skating, basketball, track and field, or gymnastics. But when was the last time you thought about professional women's football? If you are like me, most likely never. But there is a growing movement of women playing elite football. Arienne is one of the women but her journey is so much deeper. She's bringing together sports, education, and entertainment to create something special. As a football player, she has won multiple national championships. As an entertainer, she has acted in shows like 'Orange Is the New Black.' And in education, she has used her entrepreneurial skills to launch 'Blitz Champs.'

Building a Safer Rideshare App with Syed Gilani

If you have ever traveled or live in a city you most likely have used a rideshare app like Uber or Lyft. They are convenient, affordable, and easy to use. Most of the time it's a great experience that is beneficial to both the rider and the driver. However, one question comes over time and time again. How safe are rideshare apps and what are companies like Uber and Lyft doing to create a safe space for everyone that uses these tools?

An Unexpected Journey to Acting with Ben Milliken

Often our lives lead to places we never imagine. It could be an unexpected opportunity, a class that we took that sparks a new interest, an accident that leads to a different path, or a million other little things that open a new door. Ben Milliken has had that kind of unexpected journey that has led to success in acting.

Finding Your Purpose with Mark Delaney

Finding your purpose can seem like an impossible task. Yet there is this internally calling that each of us feels in which we believe were we created for something. But how do we go from 'a feeling' to a roadmap to step into our full purpose? In today's show, Mark Delaney shares how we no longer need to wonder if we will stumble into our purpose. Instead, we can clearly know it and have a path forward.

Tommy Ragen and Gianna Harris of Mighty Oak

What is it like to be a Broadway star at a young age? What is it like to be featured in a major movie as a kid? We sat down with Tommy Ragen and Gianna Harris to learn how they got into acting and music at such a young age. They share stories from their time working on the National Broadway Tour of 'The School of Rock' along with what it's really like working on a major Broadway production. They also give us a glimpse behind the scenes of their new movie 'Mighty Oak.'

A New Vision for Educations with Nadav Zeimer

Do we return to the status quo for education after the Covid-19 Pandemic or do we revision a new future of what education can look like for the future? Many around the country feel like our system is outdated and doesn't set up students for a modern future. In today's episode, we sit down with Nadav Zeimer to learn how as a Principal at a Harlem High School he has helped rethink how we teach our children. But he isn't done yet. He is looking at new ways to bridge the gap between the world of education and industry in all fields.

A conversation with Eric & Eliza Roberts

Eric and Eliza Roberts are Hollywood Royalty. Eric has over 500 credits to his career spanning from his start in 'King of the Gypsies' and 'The Pope of Greenwich Village' to being the Master on Doctor Who and Sal Maroni on The Dark Knight. Eliza is a well-respected casting director and has been a successful actress in Doctor Who, National Lampoon's Animal House, and beyond. Eric and Eliza both grew up around the world of acting and turned that experience into their own careers.

The Faith of a Wire Walker with Nik Wallenda

Sometimes the best ideas don't come from what you know, but what you don't know. Creating a safe place to innovate and cultivate ideas is critical to the process of creating. In today's episode, Chris Vance shares the story of Playground Sessions. Prior to starting Playground Sessions, Chris didn't know how to play the piano. Instead, he used himself as a test case to see if the platform could effectively be used to learn the art of music. Then he pitched music great Quincy Jones to come and partner with them. Knowing all the answers isn't always the solution but many times it is what holds us back from starting or moving forward.