
Finding Community in Business with John Bundy

To be successful in business you quickly learn that you need the support of the people around you. But often those closest to you do not know how to help you. You need to find a community of entrepreneurs and business owners. In theory that makes sense and is an easy concept to understand. But where do you find this community? How do you help and support each other?

Faith and Business with Joseph Warren

Have you ever felt like you are hiding your ‘real’ self? Maybe you feel like you need to segment your life to give people what they want.

May of us hide authentic selfs, our faith, our family, and segment ourselves into the persona for the situation. Joseph Warren and I discuss why we need to be more transparent and how faith needs to be a foundation of our business.

The Maker Manifesto | Chad Frey

Chad Frey is at the bleeding edge of the Maker Movement.  Chad shares how entrepreneurs and makers are changing education through S.T.E.M. and S.T.E.A.M.  By bringing the maker movement directly into schools we are able to shape the next generation of innovators and influencers to think outside the box and bring new solutions to the problems they face.  

In today's episode Chad and I also discuss education, co-working, makerspaces, diversity, the social responsibility of entrepreneurs, the importance of the arts, a maker manifesto, finding the right vocation, having informed conversations, and much more.