Finding the Right Customer with Charles Muhlbauer


The art of sales often feels mysterious. Why do some people seem to close every lead? How do some people seem to have the magic touch clients just flock to them? In today's episode, we chat with Charles Muhlbauer about the world of sales. He shares how many of us don't really know how to use the discovery call to qualify our leads and build the right relationships. Charles and his team help individuals and businesses craft their sales process allowing them to build a better business not only for themselves but also for their customers.

About Charles Muhlbauer

Charles has been a top sales performer in the tech industry, breaking multiple sales records over the last 7 years. During that time, his passion for helping his teammates sell even better drove him to start SalesShare, sharing best practices he found to be most effective. As part of his experience, he has found that the discovery call is the best time to create the most urgency with one’s prospect. He decided it was worth specializing in this area, and sharing it with the masses.

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