Rethinking Productivity with Tim Campos


If you truly want to solve a problem, solve the pain that it causes. When the pain is being felt by the executive at Facebook, then you know it's a problem that others face too. As the CIO of Facebook, Tim Campos was tasked with solving the pain the team was experiencing through the management of calendars, productivity, and the dreaded meeting. Tim took the lessons to build Woven. Woven is helping individuals and companies take back their calendars and start spending time on what matters most to them.

In today's episode, we chat about productivity, technology and community, the culture driving Facebook, rethinking time, problem-solving, and much more.


Book Recommendation
Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted

About Tim Campos
As the former Chief Information Officer at Facebook, Tim Campos doubled overall productivity to $1.8 million per employee - making it the most productive company in the world. Now, as CEO of Woven, he's taking those lessons to reimagine how people use their calendar, so they can spend time on what matters most to them.

Two weeks after Tim started as CIO of Facebook in 2010, Mark Zuckerberg summoned him to his office for an urgent meeting. Once there, he met with Zuckerberg’s Executive Assistant, who lambasted the company’s internal calendar app and urged Tim to fix it. From that moment, Tim set to work designing creative tools that would help Facebook employees easily find optimal times and places to meet. It was so successful that it helped Tim double Facebook’s productivity from $900,000 to $1.8 million per employee over his tenure — five times more than most tech companies.

Tim’s experience managing productivity for the entire Facebook workforce helped him realize that traditional calendars are broken. In 2016, he left Facebook to co-found Woven, an intelligent calendar that helps busy professionals maximize their most valuable asset - time.