
The Business of Collaboration with Kenneth Bator

Collaboration can take many forms. It could be with a business partner, coach, mentor, mastermind group, employees, family members, contractors, strategic partners...and the list goes on. Collaboration can be working with your team on a new project, bringing in a specialist to help you with a project or something deeper. At the basic level collaboration is the action of working with someone to produce or create something.

Time to Recharge with Michael Woodward

Recently Elon Musk tweeted that you can not change the world if you work 40 hours a week. He went went on to say that you need to work 80-100 hours to change the world. But is that true? In today's episode we share why this is a big lie and that many of us are hustled out. More work is not the answer. So how do we change the world? How do we create a sustainable journey in life?

World Changing Grandmothers with Ilana Landsberg-Lewis

Many people choose to celebrate their golden years by kicking back relaxing and sailing into the sunset. What if your golden years where your most impactful years? What if your wisdom and knowledge could change culture and society with answers that bring real change? Ilana Landsberg-Lewis is doing just that by challenging grandmothers to become 'Grandmothers on the move'!

The Ever Evolving Life of Dreams and Ideas with Michael Woodward

Have you ever chased a dream or idea and it didn't turn out like you expected? The picture in your mind didn't measure up to the reality of life? Dreams and ideas like people grow and change. Maybe it's time to evolve your dream. Today in the episode we go deep into 8 ways you can evolve your dreams and ideas and live a life a purpose.

Remember What Matters with Michael Woodward

As entrepreneurs, dreamers, and people with big ideas we often forget what matters. It's easy to get busy with all the things we 'have to do' that we forget to live a life driven with purpose. In today's episode Michael shares some stores (both past and present) about lessons he has learned about living a life that is intentional about what matters. He will leave you with a personal challenge to go deeper and take stock of what is significant in our lives.

The Business of Shoes with Steven Sashen

What does it take to build a new shoe business in a industry run by giants? Steve Sashen found that the shoes he was wearing were causing him injury as he ran. He thought that there was a better way, so he started researching minimalism in running. This lead him down the path to build a truly minimalist shoe that is good for you.

Creating Super Fans with Viv Conway and Tash Meys

What does it take to create your own super fans? Viv Conway and Tash Meys found their super fans by Acing the Gram...Instagram. Not only have they built their own following on Instagram but they now help others connect with their super fans too. They have taken their side hustle and made it into a leading Instagram Marketing Company, Ace The Gram.

Finding Your Focus with Michael Woodward

Today on the podcast we are talking about focus. If you are chasing big ideas and dreams you need focus (some would even say Hyper Focus). As an entrepreneur you need focus. I don’t know about you, but it seems that everyday the noise of life gets louder and clarity, true focus, is harder to find. We live in an age to 24/7 news with the cable news networks, constant connection the internet and through our social channels. Our lives are dictated by texts, immediate connection by phone, constant feeds of data about our friends on social networks, the latest on our favorite celebrity or tv show…and so much more.  

From Hollywood to Luthier with Mark Geiger

Mark Geiger has spent years building things from Hollywood sets to custom guitars. He decided to leave his job at Paramount and start building guitars full time as a custom guitar maker (Luthier). Along the way he found a passion to teach others how to master the craft of guitar making too.

Faith and Business with Joseph Warren

Have you ever felt like you are hiding your ‘real’ self? Maybe you feel like you need to segment your life to give people what they want.

May of us hide authentic selfs, our faith, our family, and segment ourselves into the persona for the situation. Joseph Warren and I discuss why we need to be more transparent and how faith needs to be a foundation of our business.

Building Your Business Tribe with Ronan Leonard

Do you ever feel like you are leading but no one is following? It’s time for you to find and build your tribe. Our society is starting to remember why tribe is so important. It can help you can use to to connect in deeper ways with your peers and lead at a new level.

Finding Entrepreneurial Rest with Michael Woodward

Have you ever felt worn out or burnt out? Our society is stuck on hustle and grind, but that isn't a sustainable entrepreneurial lifestyle. So how can we have a life long entrepreneurial life? It all starts with rest. In today's episode we go deep into why you need rest and how you can use rest as your superpower. It's time to kill the hustle and start building a life of rest.

Building a Passion Based Business | Anik Singal

What does true success look like as an entrepreneur? We must first redefine success and entrepreneurship to be able to find true entrepreneurial success. Anik Singal was able to find success early but it took economic collapse to find passion and purpose.